Thursday, November 26, 2009

Post Surgery Day 3

I got my discharge summery report back from the hospital today. They had to remove part of my pelvic wall on my the left hand side because the endo was so bad. They did explain this afterwards- and show me pictures- but I was probably too high to understand. Still no pain on that side though.

I have been in more pain today. I assume it's because my anesthetic has worn off. I'm not sure if it's pain from the op or pain from the Mirena. I get quite hot and feverish for short periods of time- but only a couple of times a day.

I'm starting to feel more myself again. I have more energy. Tomorrow I'll be up to reading a book, painting a picture- making something. No more naps and B grade movies for me!

Oh and I managed about 10 minutes out in the garden today too.


  1. Ouch. Take it easy, one day at a time.

  2. Get well quickly, but take it slow. It takes a long time to get over this kind of surgery.

    Good job on getting in some gardening. Take care. ~ Yaya
    Yaya's Home
