Deep breath in...
Deep breath out...
Being in so much pain the past few weeks has actually been really helpful. I definitely want this surgery. I'm excited to know what's actually happening in there- but nervous too.
Knowing me, there wont be much of anything or it will be severe. I don't seem to ever have a middle ground in anything.
I went to the last endometriosis support meeting in Wellington where they had a surgeon discuss the surgery and how to prepare for the day. Her main advice was to prepare a list of questions to take in for the surgeon and the be very direct with them.
I'm lucky enough (hmm) to have had a laparoscopy before, for my appendix last year. I have a fair idea of what to expect in that area.
My main questions are:
Which method are they using to remove the cysts?
Cysts can be removed three ways:
Excision: Cutting away and removing the tissue
Coagulation: Destroying the cysts by burning them using a diahemery (to electrocute them) or a laser (to vapourise them).
Coagulation: Destroying the cysts by burning them using a diahemery (to electrocute them) or a laser (to vapourise them).
Research is still being done to see which technique is better. Out of the two options for coagulation, the laser seems to better as it's more precise and less likely to cause tissue damage. People seem to be agreeing that excision is more effective on the whole.
I'll need to ensure that they are in fact going to take tissue for diagnosis.
Diagnosing- Visual Inspection vs Biopsy: They will look for the characteristics of the disease and visual indications during surgery and/or take tissue for testing. As long as the surgeon is well educated and experienced in what endo looks like, visual inspection should be enough apparently. I think biopsy should be done too. Tissue is taken to be viewed under mircoscope so they glands and stroma can be inspected.
In animal tissue, stroma (from Greek στρῶμα, meaning “bed, bed covering”) refers to the connective, non-functional supportive framework of a biological cell, tissue, or organ.
A gland is an organ in an animal's body that synthesizes a substance for release such as hormones or breast milk, often into the bloodstream(endocrine gland) or into cavities inside the body or its outer surface (exocrine gland).
I'm going to try to get to the library today to get some books. I have films to watch. The house is clean. I have someone to pick me up from the hospital and to look after me. I have fresh fruit and veges. Oh, and as of yesterday, I have a kitty to keep me company.
Haere mai Gingin

So... I'm ready then.
Let's hope I actually get the surgery this time!
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