Monday, November 16, 2009

7 Days to Surgery


I've read a lot about Mirena over the past few days and now I have myself completely freaked out about it. Some of the info I've read on the net has been awful. Some has been positive. The one person I know who has had it was positive about it.

There isn't much information out there from people using Mirena that haven’t had children. The biggest thing I'm concerned about is it it's, err, insertion. I feel sick at the thought of it. I will be completely under anesthetic but I've got this crazy idea (hopefully crazy) that my cervix is going to get damaged. It's only small and not meant for such things! I keep thinking that it's going to get... grazed, or torn... or...something awful, gruesome and f**king painful.

I'm also anxious about the surgery. I'm scared that something will go wrong and my ovaries will get damaged and I'll end up not being able to have children. That's my biggest fear in all of this. If not from the surgery, then from the disease. I refuse to be sat down for that conversation from the doctor post-surgery.

I guess all this anxiety is normal. I just need to talk to the surgeon to calm my fears.This time next week I would have had surgery. Phew.

I do find Mirena pretty fascinating though. A tiny weenie bottle of hormone- drip fed inside my body- fascinating... and... disconcerting.

The Mirena brochure is really good:

The Mirena website also has an... insertion video... I wasn't brave enough but if you watch it tell me what you think!



  1. I have the Mirena. I experienced some mild cramping the day it was inserted; insertion wasn't bad either. Of course, you'll be out for insertion, so that won't be a problem. And you'll have pain meds to help you cope after surgery. Side effects wise, I didn't have any problems really. My period stopped right away and I haven't had anything since (been 2 years) except occasional spotting and a mini-period after my last lap. I've had my hormones checkes periocally and it hasn't messed them up or anything. One thing to consider though, if you have a problem with cysts, as I do, the Mirena can increase them. I was not informed about this before I had it inserted.

  2. Thanks for that- hopefully I'm the same!
