Friday, November 20, 2009

3 Days to Surgery

I have been killer sore.

I don't know if it's part psychological because I'm having surgery soon or maybe I'm more aware of it. I think I've spent years ignoring it and getting used to it- now I'm finally seeing just how frequent it is.

When I was 13 I was told that it would all settle down in a year in two and that it was all normal.
When I was 16 I felt like I was being treated like a silly teenage girl, overreacting to the pain. Mum took me for scans around this time and cysts showed up but we were told they were normal for a girl my age. I wonder if they're the ones I still have.
When I was in my early 20's I was told that the only time it would start getting better is after I have children.


And here I am. About to go under the knife. I'm terrified.

I've been having so much pelvic pain (mid-cycle). Yesterday was the worst. Every morning it feel like I'm in more pain, more bloated and sick than the morning before. Now that I know cysts can rupture I can't stop thinking that it's happening to me. Sometimes the less you know the better!

1 comment:

  1. I'm finding your blog fascinating. It's a world I know nothing about. Good luck for your surgery and I wish you all the best post surgery
