Thursday, November 12, 2009

11 Days to Surgery

I was actually supposed to have surgery a few weeks ago on the 29th of October. I spent four hours in the waiting room before being gowned up. As soon as I was gowned and ready to go the nurse came in to say that there had been an emergency and my surgeon was now unavailable. I was upset at the time, but understanding of course. I had spent all that time waiting, worrying, psyching myself up. It's worked out well though. I wasn't quite ready to have the surgery then. I had only two weeks notice from the hospital as they had a cancellation.

I've been in a lot of pain over the past month. I'm not sure if it's partly mental or I'm just more aware of it because I'm getting so close to surgery day. I've been bloated in the mornings and I've been tired during the day. I've had a new pain sensation too- a burning around my ovaries. PMS cramps have been chronic. I'm lucky to have a really supportive partner though to hold my hand. He usually wants to take me to A&E when they're at their worst but I know that by the time they even get around to seeing me the pain would have probably subsided. They can only give me a shot of something anyway. I've found the best for pain to be Ponstan and hot water bottles/wheat packs it takes the edge off but really I just have to ride it out for a couple of hours.

What works for you?

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